10 Days of Prayer is a global prayer movement where over the course of 10 days, thousands of churches and cities unite and simultaneously seek God’s face. 10 Days is a tangible step of obedience toward the answer to Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21: “Let them be one as We [the Father and the Son] are one.” During this time we worship, pray, fast, and fellowship among believers. Our focus is on repentance, humility, praying for God’s promises, and mourning for our sins and the state of our world. It’s a call to take a break from what’s normal on earth so we can enter into what’s normal in heaven.
City Wide Church joined this global movement in 2016 and has been blessed to be able to join every year since then. We recognize that there is nothing better than seeking the presence of the Father and listening to His voice for what He has in store for us in this season. Through this global upper room we join together to intercede for the souls in our cities and for repentance, transformation, and revival.
If your church would like to partner with us click hereGet baptized at 10 Days! Baptisms this year will take place on Sunday, September 24th. Please use the link below to sign up! Be sure to bring a set of dark colored clothes to change into.
Click here to learn moreClick here to learn more10 Days is impossible without YOU! Help us make 10 Days of Prayer happen this year - use the link in our bio to check out & sign up for any of the opportunities available.
Click here to learn moreClick here to learn moreWe want to hear your story! If you have a 10 Days testimony please contact our team at (203) 338-0781 or email us at 10daysbpt@citywidechurch.us.
Get baptized at 10 Days! Baptisms this year will take place on Sunday, September 24th. Please use the link below to sign up! Be sure to bring a set of dark colored clothes to change into.
10 Days is impossible without YOU! Help us make 10 Days of Prayer happen this year - use the link in our bio to check out & sign up for any of the opportunities available.
We want to hear your story! If you have a 10 Days testimony please contact our team at (203) 338-0781 or email us at 10daysbpt@citywidechurch.us.